Love at first sight it was, Friday, July 26th*¹, 1968, at approximately 9:20pm PDT, and the furthest thing from my mind.
To this day, how vividly I recall so many elements of the evening. I believe I only misremember one unrelated plot point. Save for that, a negligible confabulation at most, the extensive recollection which follows concerning everything else, has remained relatively unaltered, neither disturbed or distorted by time.
NOTE: Before proceeding, it should be mentioned that in writing this account largely for my own personal and permanent record, it will of necessity be verbose, as I endeavor, in my own arched way, to exhaustively catalogue all the inner feelings/thoughts/reactions I had and every instance that occurred. My observations will include the knowledge I have since gained/ So it will be the emotions I was having then mixed with the insights of the present, you will most commonly encounter.
I will also be using first names, including those I would learn at a later time (it’s just easier that way). Seeing as I am my blog's only audience, I think there should be no danger as well of violating anyone's privacy.
Lastly, I mean no one ill, nevertheless, should my occasional comment tend towards the critical, please understand I am merely and truthfully reflecting, to the best of my knowledge, the inner dialogue that was then presently taking place within my heart and mind. Then and now, whatever the critique, it’s solely specific to the overall context in which my fourteen year old ego suddenly found itself. My various misgivings and impressions ergo, were never personally directed to any singular individual or party. Their focus was the whole of the soteriological experience instead.
With that said, let the committing to record commence.
It was the second time I was being invited to a church occasion by my childhood friend. John, who had just celebrated my 14th birthday with me, was a member of Bethel Temple, an Assemblies of God, Independent church located at 1325 Valencia Street in San Francisco, lying just beyond a small gas station occupying the southeast corner intersecting 24th Street. Two years prior, I had attended a Memorial Day picnic with him, hosted by the same church, but being skittish of religion, confined it pretty much to that one off site visit.
Still John never gave up asking me back, and so, acceding to his wish, I decided I would finally give it another go. It had been two years after all, and my best friend no doubt, meant well. Who knows, perhaps he thought this his birthday treat. What the hey, it was only for one evening, and hopefully, nothing too weird would happen!
You see, based on my previous personal experiences in church, religion was simply like another planet to me. Indeed, many years before as a kid, I use to be taken semi-regularly to an Apostolic church in San Francisco, where many of my relatives were active. First Apostolic was for a child, something else to say the least. The congregation and building survive to this day.
However, for a family, outliers to the faith and reserved as we were, our relationship to and involvement in the church was minimal at best. Preferring our emotional solitude to the social and political hustle and bustle of church life, my parents just were not into being regular attendees (my mom not all). Additionally, my not being conversant in Spanish (the primary language of the speakers) nor in liturgy didn't help.
Consequently, services were straight out strange and incomprehensible to me. Utterly mystifying; full of seemingly incoherent doublespeak they were (those times I could understand the intermittent translation). Yes, I was a youngster, and much of this is from that visceral, unknowing perspective, but distinct remains my sensory recall of the esoteric catchphrases employed, the, hymn singing, hard pews, the hour long sermons and drawn out exhortations.
Then there were those relentless, individually aimed, invocations and appeals to emotion. How dreaded, emphatic, and constant they were! Arm-wringing! The sole purpose of the meetings I assumed. Proselytization, I would later learn is the applicable term, best describing this subset of Christian behavior. I may have not been acquainted with the terminology associated with faith, but I knew without a doubt, the off-putting awkwardness. That the "Apostolics" were also Pentecostals only added to the stress.
I stopped going.
By 1968 therefore, albeit for one other instance unrelated to the picnic, I hadn't stepped inside a church's in five years. Cautiously then, I approached this new place of worship.
Bethel Temple was having a showing of 'The Restless Ones' (1965) and as John and I were often at the movies, it probably wouldn't be that much of a difference sitting in a pew, I rationalized, as opposed to sitting in a movie house seat. And with the lights off plus a little stretch of the imagination, I could always pretend myself at the local theatre.
Anyway, we walked up to the front entrance of the one story structure, which looked more like, and I later learned, was repeatedly mistaken for a bowling alley.*² There at the door, John and I were promptly met by Ken and Steve, who were first cousins to each other.
They enthusiastically introduced themselves, but I was shocked, for on the pair's clothing, each of them wore a Nixon for President button! Despite my being a fan of Democratic senator, Eugene McCarthy, this was simply unheard of! Church was a diverse place I had been brought up to believe, where out of diplomacy, respect, and consideration for others, you checked whatever your political leanings and secular persuasions were at the door. Yet here I was at the literal entry being confronted by these blatant badges!
I bit my tongue. Soon the feature would begin, and the faux pas fade. We all went inside. John and I chose to seat ourselves at the very back of the church, in the usher pew, a two-seater next to the sound and projection booth. He knew I was nervous and shy and so didn't chance taking me any farther into the sanctuary than necessary. Hey, dig that crazy ceiling, it's like all one big fluorescent light! (In reality it was a series of contiguous panels, translucent in nature, extending from wall to wall, and suspended beneath bank after bank of florescent tube lighting both cool and warm.)
When the last bank of lighting had gone dark, the black and white projection began. Oh wow, I recognize the principal players! That''s Johnny Crawford from ABC's 'The Rifleman', and Kim Darby, the pair playing two troubled teenagers! Little else I would remember of the film save that it like every other religious "message" film made no sense to me. I even misremembered a cat being run over (no such scene ever takes place) so I must have been nodding off and slipping into a semi dream state. The erroneous impression of the cat was either due to that or to memory's well-evidenced tendency to confabulate.
I'm sure at the time I also recognized actor Robert Sampson who elsewhere played the memorable scene from 'The Outer Limits' episode entitled "The Mutant" wherein Sampson portrays the doomed space personnel forced to literally eat his his hastily scribbled words by the mind-reading titled character just before his disintegration by that said character.
Otherwise, when it came to the Billy Graham Worldwide Picture I just viewed, it was zip for me. Nevertheless, as I watched the movie to its conclusion, once again there was that telltale, unmistakable pressure present, that forced insistence, that inexplicable mandate,urging all to make some kind of impending and immediate decision, of, God only knows, an intensely personal but utterly nonsensical nature.. Why is church and everything related to it, always like this?
The lights came up. Someone spoke, (possibly the pastor). It was more of the same; just a continuation of the flick I thought. Suddenly, I noticed the hairdo of one girl who sat directly ahead of me. Betty, who would later go on to marry Ken, was sitting alongside her best friend, Judy. The latter was a long haired blond, but Betty's auburn red hair was just about shoulder length ending in this large, overall curl that looped under and inward.
To my curious surprise, every now and again, whenever Betty's tresses parted at the back, I could see straight down the curl like it were a hollow, unobstructed tube. Amused, enjoying the peculiar vantage afforded me, I began to view the remainder of the service, through the forward end of the pipeline that was her curl. Poor Betty, I wasn't being discourteous, mind you, just intrigued and ever so slightly distracted by the accidental happenstance. I didn't even have to crane my neck to the side of her, in order to now plainly see the speaker up front. Neat!
With only a few words on the speaker's part the service quickly came to an end. Soon I would be returning home I gathered, but as I watched the people rise from their pews, it wasn't long before Ken and Steve made their way back to us.
How did I like the service, they asked. "Fine" I replied. The movie? "Okay" I guessed. The message? Uh-oh, are my ears beginning to tingle or the hairs on the back of my neck starting to stand, because now I'm starting to notice my lack of exits. The friendly huddle about me is turning ever so slowly and surely into an encirclement. Oh dear, John, Ken and Steve are gonna start talking that weird shit that inevitably plagues every church encounter I ever had. No doubt, they'll be expecting nothing less than tears from me.
They’re trying to recruit me, only I don’t understand a single word they’re saying. It might as well be gobbledygook. Whatever are they going on about? What’s all this talk of sin, the cross, repentance, finding Jesus, asking Him into your heart, being saved?? What does all that mumbo jumbo even mean?! Moreover, what's it to do with me? Hey, I just came here to enjoy a film, meet some new friends perhaps, and maybe engage in innocent, light-hearted activities… but this?!
This feels like the third degree a star chamber Why can't I ever seem to escape this this nutty side of church? Again with the strong arm. ! The guilt-laying finger pointing! Although the trio no doubt mean well, they’re after all in their mind, tying to rescue me from eternal damnation, I think I'd be better off at a convention of high-pressured salespeople!
Again, all this was an opaque puzzle to me, with inscrutable ultimatums of supposed importance always taking place behind a veil in some unearthly realm disconnected from reality. Though I was okay with the concept of God, Hell, I daily asked Him to bless my meals, and nightly said my prayers, He was always incorporeal and distantly involved. Disassociated with active daily routine. Fine
No so, now.
Even as teen, I could understand an actual exchange or interaction at times due between people, be it owing a debt, an apology, or a favor. People were, after all, physically real. This owning some immaterial entity however, an immediate and personal apology (uttered no less) let alone taking up an active relationship with it, I mean, with something entirely invisible, and possibly not at all present, was a kind of one-way craziness. Better to leave God, if He, She, or They even existed, in the atmosphere, the ether, and outer limits of life! Behind the veil and beyond the pale if you ask me! God as an abstract comfortably made more sense.
Back to July, 26th, 1968!
I hem and haw, stalling for time, and anxious to escape.
Hey you guys, Jesus, was just alright to me. Really man, I was cool with what I knew about him. Having grown up exposed to Protestant Christianity, I even granted that he was God, and I assumed he was cool with me. Jesus, the counter-culture, anti-establishment, social justice hippie crusader, I dug (no pun intended. Plus, I was more than happy to emulate his decency and caring. Apparently, to the people of this church and others before, this simply wasn’t enough.
Discombobulated, I become obsessed with the secondary notion that John, Ken, and Steve are trying to get me to cry. They want me, a private person, to pray, and pray aloud. “Profess with your lips” they insist. Where total strangers can hear and see?! This is pure craziness! (It was, I later found, The Sinner’s Prayer they were trying to coax from me.) If only I could get up and somehow extricate myself from this predicament.
I’m not sure what exactly went down in the next few minutes, but I must have tried. We changed seats once or twice. I have fleeting memories of being in the center of the sanctuary. Desperate to diffuse the dilemma and diplomatically deflect some of the demands, still I could not shake their dogged pursuit. Hounds of Heaven they seemed. I was beset. The emotional fear inside me was palpable and mounting, but all I can blurt out is “I’m not being expected to cry?” catching the three a little off guard. “Well, no, not necessarily,” they fumble.
We change locations another time. I am vexed to the extreme. Now, we four are seated in the left hand section of pews, about four rows back from the front. I think I’m the only guest being worked. The rest of the congregants seem oblivious to us. They mill about quietly.
Here, in the circle, matters are getting intense. Indeed, my own psychology is begging to work against me. My self-consciousness and awkward awareness has reached such a unbearable level that suddenly the thing I dread and that which I fear the most befalls me. My lips begin to quiver. Like blood in the water, the boys lean in.
I can’t believe the tick affecting my traitorous lips. My concentration only makes the quiver all the worse.
Against my will, I at last capitulate, my voice breaking as I repeat the proscribed prayer. It just nerves at this point. I’m blubbering out of sheer reaction, primarily musculatory. Instantly however, it’s like night and day for John, Ken, and Steve. Now, at the snap of a finger, so to speak, they’re showering me with welcome. You can’t imagine the relief, so open are their hearts and sudden their acceptance of me, that I am beside myself with alleviation! Ecstatic and susceptible even!
Meanwhile, down the aisle to my right, amble two young girls…
Becky (Ken’s younger sister) and Becky head to the front and left side doorway and exit of the sanctuary, unnoticed by the exultant trio besides me, rejoicing over their win for Christ. The twelve year old girls, who share the same first names and age, are equally oblivious of John, Ken, and Steve and their new convert. They head instead, I would later find out, to the music room to rehearse. Giving the pair scantly a passing thought, I watch them go by, happily chatting among themselves, my nerves ever so glad of having just passed through the fire, and being on the other side of my harrowing ordeal. The worse is is over, hallelujah!
Then it happens.
With my tears in retreat, the corner of my eye clearing...
She walks by…
Out of an orange colored sky…
The time, close to 9:20pm
Radiant and resplendent, on the heels of the younger pair, Heaven itself crosses into the field of my star-struck view.*³ My mind and emotional state barely having recovered from my ordeal, reels as the earthly voices immediately next to me dim. No longer of importance; supplanted by the unexpected, they wane into the background din.
Moving in the direction of the aforementioned doors, I watch her progress, amazed at myself. I cannot take my eyes or attention off her. Her beauty, her auburn, shoulder length tresses, her seeming detachment. What is happening to me? This was the very last thing I anticipated.
I try to remember every detail about her I can before she quickly exits those double doors, the two Becky's have already entered, and disappears. Her left profile is all that presents itself to me as she rounds the front of the pews moving to the left. Bangs on her brow, a cute turned up button of nose, and olive complected skin. A white, long sleeved blouse, high collar and cameo, I gather, a dark blue skirt...
The valves close behind her.
Uncannily, the future ahead of me, the rest of my entire life comes into play, bending backwards on itself, in order to presently touch me. This is she, it declares. This is the one who, from now until forever, holds your heart. Imagine yourself ten, twenty, forty years out (it’s currently fifty six) it will still be she, and nothing of greater importance will impact you, ever.
Had I known what blasphemy was, I would have been shocked. I was committing it even as my gaze lingered on the wood doors Ruth had exited. It's a good thing for me the trio about me could not see that salvation had become but a precursor; a subordinate antecedent to this. Still, my future had its say.
Dear me, Ruth, it was true!
Love at first sight had struck me dead to rights, completely out of the blue nowhere of left field!
That was the truth spoken then.
And I have never loved another.
You are the rest of my life!
Was I unwittingly primed to receive you, having just undergone an emotional turmoil? It could be argued as much. Poor you. You never asked for it.
Yet, I have and shall never rue the day I first laid eyes on you. I would do it yet again. It was no sin.
Yet as I conclude this documentation, who knows but that my current self isn’t traveling back in time to alert my fourteen year old self to your importance? I think not, but we’re it in my power to do so, I would, without a moments pause.
A week later we met. On a beach off Pescadero at a "singspiration" I learned your name. How sweet it felt upon my lips.
*¹ For years and years, I was virtually sure the "smiting" occurred three days after my fourteenth birthday (July 23, 1968).
However, some evidence (a weekly, 1968 church bulletin) briefly came to light suggesting the event may have actually taken place, to my surprise, seven days later, on Friday, the 2nd of August! Unfortunately, as I happened only once upon the said bulletin - and that being some five decades ago - I have no extant record to produce, nor archived event calendar to reference, by which to conclusively determine, the absolute truth of the matter.
Therefore, in lieu of a definitive resolution, I will continue to observe the "traditional" anniversary of that momentous evening on the 26th of every July.
![Originally envisioned architectural design (1954)]( |
Bethel Temple's originally envisioned architectural design (circa 1954) | |
When the building, intended to be the congregation's new home, was being constructed in 1955 there was only funding enough for the ground floor of the proposed five story edifice. It largely remained that way until the the late 1980's
*³ Odd it just dawned on me while writing this, that the last very time I
saw her (Sunday, 1990-12-02 6:58pm PST) it was in that same
aisle/section of the church. full circle
The cast of characters from that Friday night (in order of mention):
Richard Sanchez (me)
John Inson (my best friend)
Ken Jensen (would later marry Betty)
Steve Wessels (Ken's cousin)
Betty Anne Elmore (would later marry Ken)
Judy McLaughlin (Betty's best friend)
Becky Jensen (Ken's younger sister)
Becky Whitesell (Ruth's younger sister)
Ruth Ann Whitesell (SHE, who would also fulfill a prophecy, becoming Steve's sister-in-law. That however, is another tale.)